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Each year, the Western Society of Engineers recognizes the accomplishments of its members through a number of prestigious award programs.

Octave Chanute Award
A century ago, WSE outgoing president Octave Chanute endowed the award for outstanding engineering papers that bears his name.  The Octave Chanute award recognizes engineering papers in any discipline.  If you have made a discovery that has contributed to the practice, understanding or innovation of the profession and business of engineering, then you should submit a paper.  Winning papers are published in Midwest Engineer.  Contribute to the professional discourse, while gaining the recognition of your peers.  Winning papers may also be eligible for CE credit(s). Click here to download the Octave Chanute Nomination Form.

Charles Ellet Award
Since 1929, the Western Society of Engineers has presented the Charles Ellet Award to a member of the Society who is 35 years or younger and has made outstanding progress in his or her professional development.  The award consists of a certificate, a small cash award, and the engraving of the recipient’s name on a silver loving cup.  This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize the outstanding professional development of your staff or any deserving WSE member.  See below for the list of eligible WSE members. Click here to download the Charles Ellet Nomination Form.

Landmark Award
The Landmark Award was established in 1992 to recognize the body of work and professional contributions of an outstanding Chicagoland engineer.  Nominations are judged on their technical and ethical insights, sharing of knowledge, promotion of engineering training, and participation in technical societies, publications, and seminar presentations.  This award is open to members, their coworkers and clients. Click here to download the Landmark Nomination Form.

To download a nomination form, click on the above links or, call Tim Seeden, Executive Director at 630-724-9770 or email [email protected] , fax 630-241-0142.